
Missouri Smart Meter Information believes that informed citizens are better able to make decisions that are best for themselves and their families.

Our goal is to provide unbiased information from multiple sources so that Missourians can make informed choices about smart meter installation on their homes as well as to engage with policy and decision makers on this issue.

Consumers are learning that there is a paradigm shift in the way that power companies are measuring energy usage through the use of ‘smart’ meters. It is often difficult to find objective information with regard to ‘smart’ meters and how they could affect your family.

There is growing concern and evidence that “smart” meters violate privacy, introduce safety issues, and undermine national security.  Additionally, utility users are not realizing the cost and energy savings that power companies promised. In fact, many are seeing higher costs.

Missouri Smart Meter Information is designed to be a one-stop resource to make it easy for Missourians to learn about the issues associated with smart meters so that you can make informed decisions that are best for your family.

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